Considered to be the world's most expensive coffee, these beans are actually Philippine civet (Paradoxorus Philippinensis) droppings. Now, now before you reach for your barf bag, allow me to elaborate. These civets (known as alamid in the Philippines) eat coffee berries as part of their diet. The inner bean of the berry remain undigested and are eliminated by them which are then harvested, washed and slightly roasted by the farmers. Its said that the digestive enzymes of the civet give the coffee that yummy taste. I am not sure about that as I haven't tasted it yet given its astronomical price. Hopefully, this post might take me somewhere *wink, wink*.
For more information on the coffee alamid, click here.
i was so sleepy until i read your blog title. hilarious! is this thing for real? i mean i have heard of it before but i always thought it was one of those advertising thingies. pls, do tell if you have someone offer you a taste test. ahahha.
urk...now i'm awake!
Can't go there.
i never really understand some people's affinity towards coffee. and to read this post just puts a whole new spin to it. nice article. as always...
I had heard about this "method" of coffee preparation, but I always assumed I either dreamt it or made it up. Now I know it was neither. Interesting how something like this goes from idea to reality...
This is great info to know.
wink wink email me at expeditions@arengga.com wink wink
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