Monday, November 23, 2009
Ongpin Street
Sunday, November 22, 2009
La Loma Lechon
Monday, October 19, 2009
Now for a little background: The Manila Chinese Cemetery is the second oldest in Manila and was the resting place of the Chinese citizens who were denied burial by the Catholic church during the Spanish occupation. It is considered the City of the Dead. Its mausoleums are lavish and come with almost all creature comforts that we know of (home furnishings, A/C, etc.).

One thing I found weird was the altar of Buddha, the Virgin Mary, Confucius and other famous religious leaders. Some practitioners may find that juxtaposition a little strange but I think the subliminal message there was that there is no need for religious wars. (My apologies for the blurred image below. It was almost sunset and we were losing good light.)

Admission fee: Free
Tour guide fee: Negotiable
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy 2009!

Most of the time I am out of town with only my camera to keep me company. Good thing the view is excellent and the weather (and lighting) is perfect most of the time. The photo above was taken from the Aeta village. It shows the first leg of the 4x4 drive en route to the jump-off of the mountain.
A little background: Mount Pinatubo exploded on 1991 - it was considered as one of the most violent explosions of the 21st century. It also made the Americans (finally) leave their military bases. Several years after, the Philippine tourism initiated a program to help the local community. They opened Mount Pinatubo for tourists - both local and foreigners. Today, tourism is one of the major industry in the Tarlac area (second only to producing sugar from sugar cane).
Friday, November 14, 2008
I was checking my photo archive and the first image that I saw was this.
For some, it was a chance to see things from a different angle, another perspective.
And for the rest, to just take it easy and smile. For the camera. And for life.
*all photos were taken at Krus na Ligas Park. Ann Pablo copyright, 2007*
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Starting early

This, ladies and gentlemen, is one of my pet peeves. Missed chances in childhood are rarely regained later in their lives - childhood is that sole window of opportunity and development. Childhood poverty, even for a brief period of time, can greatly affect how they will live their lives. Studies indicate that poor health and life-long learning difficulties are strongly correlated with malnutrition in early childhood.
It will not come as a surprise if we see some of today's poor children as tomorrow's poor parents. Poverty can be passed on from generation to generation. Addressing childhood poverty is therefore essential for ending poverty and injustice around the world.
Monday, October 27, 2008
It's a pet's world after all...
I actually wanted to bring my Patric (a Siamese cat) but we both realized that it will be much better for mankind if I just go by myself while he spoil himself silly in my bed. You know how cats are - you don't realy own them; they own you.
The event was well-attended by cute little tots and their four-legged pets all dressed up and made-up to impress. This photo is of one of the participants. Check out the sign she's holding. I thought it was really cool.

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Food Fair
All in all, I'd say that the event was a success. I think it was nice that admission at the food fair was free and they threw in lots of freebies (an apron, two free bottles of flavored sparkling water, have your photo digitally printed at the YKL booth for free) and a raffle stub for their hourly draw. I was lucky enough to have my number drawn and so I now have a red (!) shawl in my closet:D
Thursday, October 16, 2008

As indicated in the sticker, a passenger needs to pay 10 pesos more on top of what is indicated on the meter to "augment" the cab driver's "suffering" caused by the petrol problem. They are allegedly no longer earning anything because 1) they are stuck on traffic limiting the number of passengers they can pick-up, and 2) the price of gasoline was skyrocketing.
I was okay with the fare add-on at that time. I somehow understand where they're coming from, I think. What I can't fathom is the reason why these stickers are still on display and the drivers are still asking for more when in fact the price of gasoline has dropped. Will these stickers ever be removed? Shall I hold my breath?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Anyway, I took this photo at the La Mesa Eco Park (where its obviously fobidden to do so) in the spirit of defiance.
How about you? Did you ever take a "forbidden shot"?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Seeing double
Monday, October 13, 2008
Santa baby
Here in the Philippines, Christmas (un)officially starts on the 1st day of September. Absurd as it may sound, it is common to see houses now being adorned with parol (christmas lanterns), wreaths and christmas lights. Major establishments and malls start playing christmas carols and one's own village start posting ads for their own christmas bazaars. The Philippines, arguably, have the longest Christmas celebration ending up until the Feast of the Epiphany on the first Sunday of the following year (!).
And as if that's not enough, this little shop I found has all the christmas decors you can think of on display with the obligatory christmas jingles playing on the background (which plays ALL YEAR ROUND, by the way). Whoa! When I visited the shop, there were several people purchasing fake snow(?) and some reindeers for their garden. I will never understand that, but hey, if it floats their boat, right? By the way, the shop is called Lane Crawford and they're located at Timog Avenue cor. EDSA.
Have a great Monday everyone :D
Saturday, October 11, 2008
And so it is: Adidas King of the Road 2008
The event was very much well-attended with over 5, 000 runners from all shapes and sizes proudly donning their race bib and out to test their limit. There were very young sprinters and there were some senior racers. The tough ones joined the 21km race. Weekend warriors like me opted for the tamer 10km. The rest went for the 5km.
Anyway, I took this photo a few minutes just before the race gun was fired. Geez. These men have hairy legs :D

Enjoy your Saturday, people.
Friday, October 10, 2008

Tomorrow will be the Adidas King of the Road. I will run and finish it and then dash off to the closest bakeshop and buy myself some bread, just like those cute little pastries in the photo. By the way, those were from Bread Talk - one of my favorite haunts in the baking universe. They serve delightful goodies for all.
Anyway, I wish for a good weather tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll make it to the finish line without passing out. Cheers!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Krus na Ligas
Being a former resident of Krus na Ligas, I find it appropriate to give a little information on this popular area around the UP campus. Legend has it that during the occupation, a Spanish soldier passing by the village asked one of its inhabitants for the name of the place. Since the soldier was gesturing towards a poison ivy tree (locally called ligas) where an old chapel stood (and still stands 200 years after), the local thought that the Spaniard was asking for the name of the tree. He answered Krus na Ligas and the name stuck on to this day.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
QC Trivia

Did you know that sometime in 1936, the Department of Public Works and Communications of the Commonwealth government, under Secretary Mariano Jesus Cuenco, suggested Tagaytay to be the seat of the national government?!? At that time, they felt that Manila as a capital was becoming too congested for administrative functions. So they recommended the transfer of the capital from Manila to Tagaytay(!).
Former President Quezon rejected the idea as he thought that Tagaytay, which he referred to as "the city by the ridge", is a place for tourists and vacationists. He felt that it is more of a weekend spot for public officials, businessmen and the middle class.
In the morning of September 27, 1939, the President with some cabinet members and some assemblymen, visited Diliman. There he underscored the “necessity of early approval of the charter of the proposed city in Diliman site.” Later, Assemblyman Ramon P. Mitra (Mountain Province, 2nd district) would father a bill for the new city's creation. In his bill, the city was called Balintawak City.
More trivias to follow. Enjoy your Monday! :D
Sunday, October 5, 2008
His Art, Our Heart
I must admit that I only think of paintings of idyllic landscapes (just like the photo I posted here - Rice Planting, 1943, oil on canvas) and portraits whenever his name is mentioned, the Vargas Museum exhibit showased his works depicting the Philippines as a wartorn nation, under the Japanese during the second world war.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008
UP Acad Oval

I personally like the new scheme. As a runner, I now feel more comfortable doing my usual rounds under the shade of enormous acacia trees with jeepneys coming only from one direction.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
High Art

Named Specific Gravity, this huge suspended boulder is sure to make you stop on your track and ponder for a while, circle around it or play with the dripping water from the big rock supported by three metal posts.
Sculptor Reg Yuson (shown in photo: pony-tailed, long hair/white shirt) believes that art is supposed to initiate thought. So when you look at that big rock, it is really more about you (the viewer) than it is the about the boulder (the subject). Its goal is to make the looker think how he is connected to his surroundings through his relation with gravity.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
October Theme Day: Lines

By the way, its the monthly theme day. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Almost but not quite
The boy scout monument that I have blogged here before is almost finished. It is interesting to note that they have added a life sized figure of the city's first mayor, Tomas Morato. Its like he's watching over the diners and on the restaurant district of the city. Very nice touch. I just wish that the entire monument gets done real soon. It will really ease the traffic in the area.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Make her cry with joy

Thursday, September 11, 2008
You've been warned

I know its raining and that this photo is not exactly about a gloomy, gray day but I was hoping that this will somehow brighten up your day. Anyway, I'm heading to Kawayan Cove in Nasugbu, Batangas for a little education :)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Anyway, I am posting this to show that the city is composed of people with different religions. Although the majority of the population is Roman Catholic, the Protestant, Iglesia ni Cristo, Islamic, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Jehovah's Witnesses faith are well represented here among other religious denominations.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Slumber Power

Monday, September 8, 2008

When I took this photo, there were very few people down there. Maybe its the lack of sufficient lighting that scares them off. Or maybe, they'd still prefer the thrill that is brought to them when they run for their lives when crossing the main highway. Admit it or not, Pinoys are not exactly popular on following traffic and pedestrian rules. Its a Monday and I hope you all stay safe on the road.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Quezon Memorial

The late President Sergio Osmeña created the Quezon Memorial Committee after the second world war. Its first task was to hold a nationwide contest for architects and artists to submit for a design of monument and resting place for Quezon - the first Commonwealth president and Osmena's predecessor. Federico Ilustre won the competition. The monument- 66 metres high- is located right smack in the center of the park. Its height was chosen to represent the age of late president at the time of his death (of tuberculosis while in exile in the US during the World War II). Looking closely, you can see three mourning angels each holding a sampaguita garland, sitting on top of the big pylons with their parallel wings pointing up. The angels stand for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao - the country's three major group of islands - while the three-sided base was said to represent birth, life, and death. The three angels were made by the Italian sculptor Francesco Ricardo Monti.